Thursday, June 5, 2008

Red's - Too Much Hype

Red's Eats
115 Bullshit Highway. Where we stop for hours for gawking tourists.
Wishedpassedit, ME
(207) build a bypass to the north

I've been avoiding Red's for years, namely because I hold them responsible for the traffic in Wiscasset, and I always knew they were overrated. I think I can safely say that I have the most comprehensive list on Yelp regarding lobster rolls. With this statement, I am establishing myself a self-proclaimed expert on lobster rolls, not to mention that I was born and raised in a mid-coast town, pulled pots with my dad when I was little and had a 10 trap license through my twenties. I never made my living doing it and didn't spend a summer as a sternman, but I feel I know lobster. The lobstermen I know don't ever eat lobsters.... I digress. The people that love Red's might not have that much exposure to lobster rolls? I could be wrong and stir up a lot of controversy, but I think you'll find 99% of the people in line at Red's aren't Mainers. Red's roll style hardly even qualifies as a lobster roll. It is really just shucked lobster meat that has been chilled and places in a buttered roll, so it looks as big as possible with some mayo or butter on the side. Did I mention they are $16.95? My biggest complaint, which maybe the reason everyone loves them, is that they put a half tail in each roll without cutting it. The tail is very chewy and stringy, so having a whole one lengthwise in the roll just makes for an awkward bite. You can't incise a tail without dragging the entire tail out of the roll. You then have to gobble it up like you took too big of a spaghetti bite.

The setting on river isn't that nice either. Go down to Five Islands for the full shebang, or if it is just the roll you are after, head to Gurnet's, Gilmore's or Morse's- see my list.

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